Reasons and Ways to Connect with the Lord in the New Year


With the onset of a new year (and decade), there is no reason not to feel the energy and positivity that a “fresh new year” can bring. However, for those that are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad or alone, perhaps 2020 is the year to connect (or reconnect) with the Lord. Fellowship Square offers the following reasons and ways to help those looking for extra comfort, love and support in the new year connect with God.


God Walks With His Children — Those who need a reason to connect with God might consider the peace of mind they will feel knowing that God loves all his children and never leaves them to suffer alone. Turning to God in challenging times or in times or loneliness or illness can help people feel more connect to God and can also find strength in faith and God’s will.


Building Strength — Speaking of strength, the more people strengthen their bond with God, the more likely they will see and feel his power in everyday life. 


Disconnect to Connect — Sometimes it takes disconnecting from the hustle bustle of society to connect with the Lord. Take some time away from the news (which can be filled with horrific stories that can add stress, concern and sadness to anyone’s life), social media and simply the onslaught of information people are barraged with every single day. Take some “unplugged time” to reconnect with God. 


Pray — During this “unplugged” vacation, reach out. God is always there. It’s okay to reach out to him at anytime, anywhere. He is always ready to listen and forgive. When it comes to how to pray, simply start with a conversation. Give thanks for the gifts God has already provided, then ask for support and guidance in areas where help is needed.


Listen and Look — When people are connected with God, they tend to see his work in everyday life. Through subtle signs, God will make himself know. People that are hoping to reconnect with God in the new year should take time to listen and look for the signs that God is there, walking alongside and offering his sometimes silent love and support. 


A relationship and connection with the Lord can help seniors and people of all ages feel strength, love, joy and happiness within themselves. These are powerful feelings that can help people get through hard times, illnesses and more knowing that they truly are never alone if they have a strong faith in God. Fellowship Square encourages all God’s children to reach out to him in 2020 and regain the powerful feelings that only He can provide. 

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